Sun 19 May 2024

 What is Data Models in database environment

 Data Models

A representation of real-world objects, events, and their associations is called a model. The model helps the user to understand the complexities of the real-world environment. A collection of concepts to describe and manipulate data, relationships between data, and constraints on data is called a data model.

Parts of Data Model  
 A data model consists of the following parts:

  1. Structural Part: It consists of a set of rules. These rules specify how a database can be developed
  2. Manipulative Part: It defines the types of operations that can be performed on data. The operations include updating or retrieving data from the database and changing the structure of the database.
  3. Set of Integrity Rules: It ensures the accuracy of data in the database.

Importance of Data Model 

The data model is used as a communication tool for database designers, application programmers,s and end-user to interact with one another. A good data model enables the users to understand the organization for which the database design is developed. A good data model is very necessary to design a good database.

Any DBMS is based on a specific data model. No DBMS can exist without any data model. It is difficult to create a proper database without knowing the data model of DBMS. It is very important to know the structures, manipulation languages, and integrity facilities implemented by DBMS. It enables the user to understand the facilities and functionalities provided by the DBMS.

